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Lactation Services 


East Hawaii Midwife Service offers quality Lactation Consultation Services by expereinced professionals.


Breastfeeding usually comes naturally without problems however for some new mothers an experienced  health care provider is needed

Phone Consultations 

East Hawaii Midwife Service offers Lactation Support phone consultations during office hours for new mothers. Sometimes a phone call is all that is needed to help trouble shoot a breastfeeding problem or impending complication.


Office Visits 

East Hawaii Midwife Service offers Office Visits in a convenient, pleasant and nurturing environment. Our staff is completely professional and offers expertise by assessment of infant positioning, latch and trouble shooting for problems. We also treat breast infections and other complications.

Home Visits 

East Hawaii Midwife Service offers Home Visits for new mothers and babies who may not be able to leave the house just yet. During these visits we assess breastfeeding behavoirs, offer suggestions and treat any breastfeeding problems that arise.


Breast Pump Prescriptions

East Hawaii Midiwfe Service can order prescription breast pumps as indicated through your health care insurance.  We provide instructions on use and implementation of breast and bottle use for "back to work moms".

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